The Great Lakes Flushing Skid, 14096 was designed to flush and pressure test hydraulic lines on gate valve systems for the Great Lakes Water Authority. The design called for flushing at 100 GPM @ 150 PSI along with pressure testing up to 400 psi. To minimize power requirements (2) pumps were used, one for flushing and one for pressure testing. Moisture and cleanliness were considered critical so a vacuum dehydrator was designed into the system along with a duplex filter system rated at 150 gpm. A particle counted combined with a moisture sensor provides cleanliness data. This was the first of several flushing skids to be designed and built by IFS.
Industrial Fluid Systems – Great Lakes Flushing Skid 14096 – PDF
The die flushing cart was designed to flush dies and tooling coming into the customers plant from it’s customers located throughout the world. The potential to contaminate their test cells and water supply system was high. The process had to be changed so that all tooling and dies coming from outside the company would be flushed with a cleaning solution that would address dirt and biological contamination. Cleaner is pumped from a 50 gallon tank, through the dies or tooling and returned through (2) filters to the tank. The system can be run in circulation mode for as long as necessary to clean and decontaminate the tank. The manufacturing process was also changed so that all dies and tooling leaving the plant was flushed out with a cleaning/decontamination cleaner.
The filter/flushing cart was designed to flush and pressure test hydraulic lines and valves after final assembly. The potential to contaminate lines during the installation process is high. The process had to include flushed with hydraulic oil after assembly. Oil is pumped from a 40 gallon tank, through the lines and returned through (2) filters to the tank. The system can be run in circulation mode for as long as necessary to clean and decontaminate the tank. The system can also be used to fill the hydraulic systems.
Industrial Fluid Systems – 25 GPM Filter / Flush Skid 14126 – PDF